Sign up for Urban Triage’s next Co-Conspirator Workgroup to learn how we (white people) can dismantle the systems of oppression in our country by first starting with ourselves.
Since mid-July two members of our management team have been on the Urban Triage Co-Conspirator journey.
Notable tidbits/reflections from our team on the journey so far:
Introduced in one our first sessions, Dr. Joy Degruy’s book Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome (BUY IT HERE!) explains “a theory that explains the etiology of many of the adaptive survival behaviors in African American communities throughout the United States and the Diaspora” (Degruy 2005).
Reflecting on Degruy’s theory, one team member had this to share:
“It was profound to fully define trauma bonding in a way I’ve honestly never thought of. Defining trauma bonding as a form of belonging. That every human needs a place to belong, it’s literally in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. I suppose I forgot that trauma bonding is a way to feel you belong with someone, no matter how unhealthy that belonging is, you at least belong. And as children, especially overly stressed children, we are desperately seeking the safety of belonging. Unfortunately, in a white supremacist society, we force Black people to first find that belonging through Post Traumatic Slavery Syndrome.”
Another notable point from the lecture, it was important to be reminded by Brandi that “not everyone likes or even identifies with the “BIPOC” tag. I know this has been in conversation for a while, and I think I’ve always somewhat understood it, but it was very valuable to highlight again why it shouldn’t be the go-to. First of all, Black people have an incredibly unique relationship and space within our American society, having borne the overwhelming brunt of the cruelty that was slavery in the Americas. Second that, by the original definition laid out by white folks, humanity began at “not Black.”
Stay tuned for more reflections in the upcoming weeks!
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